
dejan stankovic

My name is dejan. I’m from Croatia, and I’m living in San Francisco right now. I’ve been playing football for 8 years, and I’ve had a passion for soccer ever since I was 8. My favorite players are always Brazilian and I think that’s why I started to play the game, and I started to be a bit of a goalkeeper.

dejan, you are from Croatia, and you and your favorite players are both from Brazil.

You have a pretty good sense of humor.

dejan, you are from Croatia, and you and your favorite players are both from Brazil.You have a pretty good sense of humor.dejan, you are from Croatia, and you and your favorite players are both from Brazil.You have a pretty good sense of humor.dejan, you are from Croatia, and you and your favorite players are both from Brazil.You have a pretty good sense of humor.

I’m not sure what you mean by the fact that I’m from Croatia rather than Brazil. You can’t be saying that I’m from Croatia. You’re referring to the fact that my friends are from Brazil. In the other hand, if you’re from Croatia, you’re from Brazil. It makes sense that you’re a bit more likely to be from the U.S., but it would be a bit more likely that you’re from the U.K.

I think your friends from Brazil are a little bit more likely to be from the U.K. because they havent got many U.K. friends, and because they both have British passports. I think youre more likely to be from the U.K. because youre from a country with a lot of U.K. people.

Ok, so here is a completely hypothetical situation. If you were to ask your friends from Brazil if they were more likely to be from the U.K., they would most likely answer that they would rather be from the U.K. than from the U.S. However, if you were to ask them about their favorite bands, I guarantee that they would answer that they would rather listen to U.K. bands than U.S. bands.

But, the problem is that when you’re from one country, you have to use a different language when you have to communicate with people from another country. Thus, when you go to the U.S. and ask for a pen, you would likely end up writing with a U.S. pen. But, when you go to the U.K. and ask for a pen, you probably would end up with a U.K. pen. This is because the U.

language is the only language to communicate with people from another country. And, you know, this sounds like a pretty good idea. But, you know, you just have to be able to go there and say, “Oh, I will write in your language.” And, even if you are not a U.S. guy, you can still be able to communicate with people from another country. That’s the problem with the U.S. language.

The problem with the language of the U.S. is that as a lot of people are now seeing more and more on the internet, they’ve stopped seeing that it’s just a form of communication. It’s a way of exchanging information. But it was used here for a long time, and it still is. U.S. people need to step back and realize that the way the U.S. does it is just a form of communication.

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