
9 Signs You Need Help With which of the following is the oldest printed book still in existence?

The Old Testament, of course.

The Book of Job.

Oh wait, no it’s not. The Old Testament was written over a thousand years before Jesus’ first official public appearance.

The Old Testament is a book that chronicles the life of Noah, his wife, and the animals that once lived on the earth. The Old Testament is the oldest book of scripture in existence and the oldest book of the Bible.

The Old Testament dates back to around 2,000 years ago, which roughly corresponds to the time Jesus first started speaking publicly. But the Bible was written by many different people, and it was all written over a very long period of time. While the Book of Job is the oldest book in existence, it was written in the fourth century BC. The Old Testament was written in the first century AD, which roughly corresponds to the first century before Jesus’s birth.

The Bible is a collection of over 5,000 separate books, written by about 3,000 different people at roughly the same time. As a result, there’s no telling who the original author was. Because the Book of Job was written by one person, the idea of the Old Testament is a bit of a stretch. That’s why the Old Testament is a bit like an old guy’s Bible.

The oldest book in existence is the Book of Job, written around 430 BC. The oldest book that wasn’t really written by an actual human being is the Old Testament. And thats not even counting the Book of Daniel, which is a collection of stories about the rise and fall of the ancient world.

The Book of Job wasn’t written by an actual person that lived during the time of the Old Testament, but it was written by a prophet of sorts that had access to the written word back then. The Book of Job was written by a man named Job, who lived about 430 BC. The Book of Job is a collection of stories about the rise and fall of the ancient world.

The Book of Job was written by a prophet who lived about 430 BC. The Book of Job is a collection of stories about the rise and fall of the ancient world.

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